Thursday, December 29, 2011

Elevator Accident Part 1

It is important to note that this material was originally written in the fall of 1984.

In 1984, Beacon Paper Company hired a young man named Gregory Kennedy as a management trainee. For reasons no one bothered to explain properly, it fell to me to organize and supervise his training program. I suppose the simple answer was no one else wanted to be bothered and they knew I’d take the assignment seriously. Suddenly, my responsibilities in running Spec Sales and Promotions had to include seeing that Greg learned all aspects of the paper business.
It was more than a little unusual for Beacon to hire someone fresh out of college with no graphic arts training or sales experience. So I nosed around and found out that Greg’s father was a close personal friend of the executive vice-president of the conglomerate that owned Beacon Paper. When Greg graduated from Michigan State University with a degree in finance and economics but no interest in working in that field, his father, a very successful paper broker with major contacts throughout the country, dropped a few subtle hints and viola, his son was invited to join our firm. Another example of the good old boy network doing what comes naturally.
Initially, I let on that I was less than pleased with the assignment, even though it was a testament to my having learned at least a significant part of the paper business in a little over two years. Training Greg would require me to take time away from my accounts, something I discussed in detail with Tom F., my boss and Beacon’s President. But in truth I didn’t mind, partly because it fed my ego to be teaching again and partly because I had grown disenchanted with the lack of intellectual challenge in selling paper and was looking for a little diversion. The fact that Tom F. had chosen me for the job was a nice feather in my cap. It also didn’t hurt that Greg and I hit it off immediately. He was bright, enthusiastic, eager to learn, and had a sense of humor in sync with my own.
The first thing I did was to establish a training schedule for Greg’s first six months. Although my assigned job was to expose him to every facet of the business, my secret goal was to ensure that he fell in love with paper. Okay, that may sound ridiculous but it wasn’t. Yes, I had become increasingly bored with my job, which was to persuade large end-users and advertising and graphic design firms to specify our paper. But I had come to love paper and the many ways it could be used to tell a story or advance a point of view. Paper is such a fascinating medium. For all practical purposes it appears two-dimensional. But in reality it has four dimensions: length, height, depth, and an almost indefinable dimension that combines appearance, feel, texture, and substance that make paper so incredibly sensual.
The training program I developed, which was properly blessed by the powers that be, required us to meet at least three mornings each week, from 7:00 to 9:00, in formal classroom type lectures that were to cover the intricacies of paper. In addition, Greg was assigned to work periods varying from one week to several months in each of our different departments. After the first few hesitant days, I threw myself into the task with real excitement. Greg was so anxious to learn he stimulated the teacher reflex in me to the extent I began neglecting my sales responsibilities, which didn’t bother me much initially but would eventually have adversely impacted my commissions had it continued.
Greg was an eager and willing student, impressing even Beacon’s jaded salesmen with his ability to grasp concepts quickly and also with his sharp wit and cool demeanor. At twenty-two, he was full of a youthful self-confidence that was genuine but presented not the slightest hint of arrogance or inflated self-importance.
Some description is required. Greg was tall, a shade over 6 feet 2 inches, had black curly hair, and weighed around 170. His hair and saturnine features made him look more Italian than the Irish of both his parents. He wore his attractive good looks casually, without that insufferable arrogance exuded too often by tall, “beautiful” people born to money. It was a good sign that all the young women in the office liked him. On the way to the john one day I overheard bits and pieces of a conversation between two of the female workers in our mill department about his cute buns. In short, Greg was a very nice, likeable young man with exceptional ability and maturity for his age.
Greg progressed quickly in the next several weeks, working diligently in our morning sessions and in the various departments to which he was assigned. As we spent more and more time together, especially over lunch, we began discussing topics other than printing. It quickly became obvious that he was very proud of his family. He spoke frequently of his mother, who had, about two years previously, re-entered graduate school, studying for a doctorate in psychology. But he seldom said much about his father. Initially, biased no doubt by the miserable relationship I had had with my father, I assumed the two weren’t close. It wasn’t long before I discovered the reverse was the case. Despite talking little about his father, it soon became obvious that he cared for him deeply and wanted his dad to think highly of him. As a paper broker with a national clientele, Greg’s dad was very well known and extremely successful in a cutthroat business. Without ever voicing his concerns, it became evident that Greg wanted to prove that he could carve his own niche in life and become every bit as successful as dear old dad. That’s why he had refused an offer from his father’s firm and also why he left Detroit for a job in St. Louis. He wanted to succeed on his own terms.
Not having had a good relationship with my father, I caught myself almost envying Greg for his. Hearing him talk about his family and their vacations and all the good times they enjoyed made me sad for the absence of those high-quality experiences in my own life.
When we ate lunch together we never talked about the paper business but focused on far more vital topics, like religion, politics, and philosophy. To my astonishment, I discovered that Greg had never heard of many of the world’s great philosophers, including Immanuel Kant, Ludwig Wittgenstein or Martin Heidegger and only barely recognized the names SorĂ«n Kierkegaard or Sartre and knew precious little about their contributions to the world of intellection. With some prodding he admitted to have taken only an introductory philosophy course, one that was strictly concerned with such contemporary topics as abortion, substance abuse, and sexual “ethics,” as he put it.
As a former university professor I was disappointed with his lack of preparation for the most important task life puts before everyone: thinking. Ever the teacher, despite having been removed for some seven years from my last full-time university position, I determined to give Greg at least a small inkling of the sweep of philosophy and show him how absolutely necessary it had been to the development of Western history and civilization. Since lunch breaks are not particularly conducive to discussing how Socrates-Plato-Aristotle and countless others have changed their worlds and ours, I determined to excite his innate sense of curiosity by lending him books from my home library by William Barrett, Jules Henry, Ashley Montagu, and Philip Slater, among others. Once he discovered the world of ideas I knew he would pursue it on his own.
About two months into Greg’s training we became all extremely busy preparing Beacon Paper’s display booth and promotional materials for the largest graphic arts exhibition in the St. Louis area. As Manager of Sales Promotions I was responsible for making sure every little thing was perfect, from the booth’s set-up, paper display’s, name tags, printed handouts, advertising blurbs, to the typical coffee mug and business card holder give-aways. All the hundred small but supposedly essential details. For three weeks before the big event Greg and I worked hand in hand to make sure every piece we were going to use was perfect, which was critical since representatives of the holding company from Detroit that owned Beacon would be in town to see what we were doing to increase our sales. The naked sword was hanging over our heads. It was perform or else. And none of us wanted to find out exactly what the or-else meant.
For some unexplained reason that Friday before the big event was even more crazy than usual. All day long we were kept running around like fools. By 4:30 I had had it. Everything had been counted, packed, unpacked, re-counted, and re-packed. We were both exhausted. I told Greg to sit down, relax, and start dreaming about the hot date he had been talking about for the last two days and forget the paper bullshit until the big show. I breathed a sigh of relief and headed for home, a warm shower, a cold beer or two and early bed, leaving Greg to finish up the last few remaining things.
About 8:30 that night the phone rang. It was Bob J., Beacon’s VP of Operations. His voice was grim as he told me that Greg had been in an accident at work. Around 4:55 one of our larger clients called with an urgent request for several boxes of printed materials we had been holding for them. Bob told Greg to bring them from the warehouse. The electric freight elevator was in use so Greg, in a big hurry to get the brochures and be on his way home to clean up for his hot date, took the old hydraulic elevator that only the warehousemen were supposed to use. Somewhere between the second and the sixth floors Greg had become trapped between the wall and the elevator and had been badly bruised.
“Bruised?” I asked, a cold dark pit opening in my stomach. “What the hell does that mean? Just how bad it is?”
“It’s not really that bad,” Jorgee insisted. “The paramedics took him to St. Louis University Hospital. They thought he might be bleeding internally. But it’s not all that serious. He had a collapsed lung but the Emergency Room doctors re-inflated it. So that’s no big problem. The surgeon told me he might have to open Greg’s abdominal cavity to see what’s causing the loss of blood.” His voice, unanimated in the best of circumstances was flat and devoid of emotion but was not without hope.
“Jesus Christ!” I exclaimed. “Collapsed lung, internal bleeding. What do you mean, it’s not too bad? How the hell did it happen?” Despite Jorgee’s reassurances, I felt sick with apprehension.
“Hell, I don’t know. He was alone in the elevator.”
“Who found him?”
“One of the shipping clerks saw the hydraulic elevator come down with no one on it. So he called up the shaft to see who was using it. He heard Greg moaning for help. He ran upstairs and found him lying on the second floor in front of the elevator door.”
“Was he bleeding badly?”
“No. That’s the crazy part. He wasn’t bleeding externally at all. His shirt was torn in the back and the skin on his back was scraped but there was almost no blood. When I got there Greg tried to get up and walk but he couldn’t. That’s when I called 911. The police arrived first but took one look and said it was only a minor accident, not enough to justify a report. The EMS people took his vital signs and got him into the ambulance right away because he was going into shock. His pulse was weak and rapid and his blood pressure was really low, like 70 over 40.”
“That’s not a good sign. Where’d you say they took him?”
“To the University Trauma Center. By the time I got here at 6:00 his blood pressure was back to normal and he was alert. He even asked the nurse to call his girlfriend and cancel their date.”
“That’s Greg all right.” I chuckled with an ease I didn’t feel. “Always organized. Did you ask him how it happened?”
“Yeah, but all he said was that he was sorry he had messed up and would tell me about it later. When he felt better.”
“That’s it?”
“Yeah. He told Bill, the warehouseman who found him that he was riding between the elevator and the wall and got stuck.”
“What? Stuck where? How could he get stuck between the elevator and the wall? How’s that possible? There’s no room. Besides, which wall did he mean? The front or the back?” Nothing Bob J. said was making sense.
“Shit, I don’t know. I really don’t.” He sounded as puzzled as I was. “I called his parents and they’re flying from Detroit first thing tomorrow morning. The surgeon told them it didn’t look too serious but they’re coming anyway.”
“Did you call Tom yet?” Beacon’s President and his wife were vacationing in Florida and weren’t scheduled to return for several days.
“No. He can’t do anything but get upset and worry all night. If it’s necessary I’ll get in touch with him in the morning.”
I sighed, feeling helpless, worried, and shocked that such a serious accident could happen to one of our friends and co-workers. “You need me to come down there?”
“No. Carol and Kim from the accounting department are here. They’ll stay and see if the surgeon decides to open him up. I can only be here for an hour. My oldest is running a high fever so I have to get a prescription on my way home. My wife Mary Lou can’t pick it up because her car is on the fritz so I have to head out before the drug store closes.”
“Okay. Tell Carol or Kim to call me if anything happens, will you? I mean anything.”
“Sure. But take it easy. Don’t tie yourself in knots. Greg is in good hands. He’s awake and talking to anyone who’ll listen. He’ll be fine. It was just a nasty scrape. He’ll probably be back at work by Monday at the latest.”
I felt reassured by the confidence in his voice. After all, he was on the scene talking to the doctor and I wasn’t. After I hung up San wanted to know all the details. But there wasn’t much to tell her. Even though I saw that old freight elevator every day I was completely incapable of visualizing how Greg could have been riding between it and the wall. No matter how I thought about it I could not imagine how the accident had occurred. It was a puzzle.
By the time we climbed into bed, both San and I assumed everything was under control. Since we hadn’t heard from anyone at the Hospital we took refuge in the comforting attitude that no news is good news. But it took me over an hour to fall asleep. And when I did it wasn’t a sound sleep. I tossed and turned on the edge of consciousness until the ringing of the downstairs phone jolted me wide-awake. We ordinarily disconnected our bedroom phone to ward off prank, post-midnight calls to one of our teenaged children. In the dark and more than half-asleep San couldn’t find the switch on the side of the phone that would turn it on. As she fumbled the kitchen phone continued ringing. The red numbers of the clock on the night stand winked 2:12.
“Quick,” I said, frantic with worry. “It might be the Hospital.”
She finally found the button and handed me the phone.
“Yeah, Kim. What’s going on?” I replied, instantly recognizing the pain in her voice.
“It’s really bad news.” She choked back a sob, trying to steady her voice. “They just took Greg from the operating room to Intensive Care. The surgeon came out and explained everything to us because Carol and I are the only ones here. He told us it doesn’t look like Greg’s going to make it.”
“What! Oh my God!” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. “Not going to make it? A couple hours ago Jorgee told me he was doing fine. What the hell happened?”
“They knew he was bleeding internally so at 10:00 the surgeon made a small incision in the stomach wall to see if they could spot the trouble. Right before they took Greg in the doctor told us it was a routine procedure. But once he was open they found all his internal organs were crushed.”
“Jesus Christ. Crushed? What the hell?” Waves of nausea crashed over me.
Kim continued in a rush before I could say anything more. I realized she had to keep talking or she would break down. “They removed his spleen, part of his stomach, most of his colon, part of his liver, half of his pancreas. One of the arteries leading to the right kidney was torn apart. That’s where most of the bleeding was coming from. They repaired the artery but the doctor is afraid the kidney is shot. They can’t be sure at this time but wanted to give him every chance.”
“Oh my God. Oh my God.” I was unable to say anything else. My entire body had turned cold as a marble slab but I couldn’t even shiver.
“His blood pressure is fluctuating very erratically and they’re worried about some problem called ARDS in the collapsed lungs. It’s got something to do with a mucous membrane forming in his lungs but I’m not sure what that means. I just know it’s really serious. The doctor also said that because of the extensive bleeding he’s worried about Greg using up all the clotting factor in his blood. But I don’t know what they’re doing about it. My head is numb and I can’t seem to think straight. I, I just feel so overwhelmed.”
“Hang in there, Kim. You’re doing great. Give me a few minutes to throw my clothes on and I’ll be there in . . .”
“No. You don’t need to come down. Greg’s still unconscious. Just sitting around here wouldn’t do you or him any good. Try to get some sleep and come in the morning.”
“Okay. Do you think he’ll make it through the night?”
“Oh God, I don’t know.” Her sigh was a cross between a cry and a moan. “Have to tell you his surgeon is very pessimistic. But he said Greg has a slim chance if his blood pressure stabilizes. Right now it just doesn’t look good.”
“Did you call Jorgee?”
“Yeah, right before I called you.”
“What about Greg’s parents?”
“Dr. Karpinski phoned them before he talked to me and Carol.”
“Who’s Karpinski?”
“The surgeon who operated on Greg.”
“Oh.” Feeling empty, useless and deep down depressed I had little more to say but found myself searching for some way to reassure the two of us. “You’ve got to keep your hopes up. He’ll pull through. Greg’s a strong kid.”
“Maybe,” she sniffed, not buying my bullshit optimism.
“How are you feeling?” I asked, belatedly remembering she was one of the gals at work I had overheard commenting about Greg’s attractive body.
“Not good. All Carol and I can do is cry and hold on to each other.”
“Are you guys going home now?”
“No. We’ll stay. Greg’s parents are supposed to arrive at the airport a little after 8:00. Bob J. and his wife are picking them up. They’ll get here around 9:00. As soon as they arrive we’ll leave. Carol and I don’t want them to think we left him all alone through the night.”
“Listen,” I said, feeling weariness that couldn’t be explained by the lateness of the hour. “I want you to call me if his condition changes. No matter what. I want to be there if . . .”
She interrupted immediately, like she didn’t want me to finish the thought. “Okay. One of us will call you right away.”
The rest of the night was a tossing, turning, pacing nightmare. Hope, despair, fear, uncertainty, and resurgent hope fought across the battlefield of my mind. I struggled to understand what had happened and failed. I dozed, woke, fell back into a fitful half-sleep only to jump up in unknowing fright at 5:00 AM when I gave up in frustration and went downstairs. The book I attempted to read lay open on my lap. Concentrating on the words proved too much and effort. The pages refused to stay in focus. So, I stared at the brick fireplace but found no comfort there.
Of all things, a month previously I had volunteered to give a seminar on how to conduct community research to the Junior League. A friend had asked me so many times I had felt guilty for refusing her so finally had agreed. The lecture was scheduled for 8:30. I was grateful for something to think about other that Greg lying helplessly in the Hospital and tried to organize my ideas on how to discover the nature of urban social problems so some of them might to acceptable to upper middle class do-gooders. That effort only worker for a short time.
One of the Junior Leaguers picked me up at 8:00 and drove me to their stylish headquarters in Frontenac, an upscale suburb. For an hour and thirty minutes I was able to banish all the mind-numbing thoughts about Greg’s injury and worse and concentrate on helping over-anxious upper crust American women, smartly dressed in their elegant woolen casuals and asking such polite, inane questions, sort out how they could make a difference in resolving the enormous racial and economic problems of St. Louis. Not when their bank president husbands were making millions on red-lining slum properties owned by poor blacks. Can you spell fat fucking chance?
San picked me up after I made good my escape and we rushed into the City, not talking, not thinking. This precarious medical emergency was so like what had happened to Karin we could barely articulate our fears. Our grey spirits were matched perfectly by the leaden skies and intermittent rain. We had heard no more news from the Hospital but our unfettered imaginations conjured up the worst.
The University Medical Center towers thrust their way past half-empty parking lots, abandoned single- and multi-family residences soon to be converted to medical offices and more parking lots. It was a triumph of institutional power over the housing needs of poor blacks who had been banished to even drearier neighborhoods and ever more dilapidated structures. Hey, the land was valuable to the University and who was there to speak for the needs of the inarticulate poor? No one.
The Medical Center was a huge facility, almost but not quite reassuring in high-tech steel, smoked glass, concrete and a tasteful veneer of used brick that had most likely been recovered from neighborhood houses knocked down to make room for its brand of progress. See what happens when those in power get to define the situation? Those who triumph write history, not the vanquished.
Inside the Medical Center, the Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit radiated a familiar aura of human frailty that smacked San and I in the face with the tangible nexus of life and death. This place, so strange yet too familiar, was where the struggle for life was joined and was often terminated short of the goal. Entering the Unit for the first time was a tense, stomach-churning experience. Neither San nor I could ever forget those dreadful hours and days we spent in the St. Joseph Hospital with Karin. This experience was so frighteningly similar it shook us both to our cores.
We boldly strode past the nurse on guard duty sitting at a desk under a large red sign prominently declaring: RELATIVES ONLY. Our logic was that if we acted as if we belonged no one was likely to challenge our right to be there. So we charged ahead with outward confidence, hoping to spot someone we knew before our charade was unmasked and we were routed for the intruders we were. Just then San saw Bob J, and his wife sitting in a small waiting room with two people I assumed to be Greg’s parents. Oh, sweet Jesus, I groaned inwardly. Jorgee looked as pale as death. San must have noticed it at the same time, squeezing my hand in a sudden vice-grip. We walked in, prepared for the worst. I kissed Mary Lou, put my arms around Jorgee’s large shoulders and gave him a hug. His lips were pursed tightly, as if keeping the bad news from becoming real by being silent.
He turned and introduced us to Greg’s parents, Penny and Tom Kennedy. They were as white as chalk and looked as brittle from the tension. As the women sat awkwardly, together, the three men walked to the coffee machine in the hall, feigning a desire to drink the hot but tasteless fluid.
“How is he?” I forced myself to look Tom in the eye, steeling myself for his response.
“Hanging in there.” Kennedy’s words choked in his throat as if they were the cause of all the emotion. “We’re praying a lot.” Tears welled up in eyes already red from unaccustomed weeping.
Without conscious volition my arms circled the burley shoulders of this stranger I felt I knew, hugging him in a clumsy attempt to give comfort. My heart bled for his suffering.
“The surgeon didn’t give us much hope,” he continued, wiping his eyes with a ravaged tissue. “He told us a little while ago that if Greg can stabilize for the next day or so he’s got a chance. A very slim chance. But if he stabilizes he might be able to pull through.”
Good God in Heaven. Might pull through? What an insubstantial thread to cling to amidst total strangers in an unfamiliar environment. How terrible for them. Their oldest child struck down and they didn’t even have the comfort of their own doctor to provide some small measure of reassurance. They were helpless to affect the outcome in ways we had never been with Karin. At least we had a network of friends to support us.
Now we all were spectators together watching, waiting. Only Greg and Dr. Karpinski, the anonymous surgeon were the actors.
“Does he know you’re here?” As soon as the words were out I wanted to bite my tongue for asking such an insensitive question.
“Yeah. He smiled at us when Penny and I went in to see him. He squeezed Penny’s hand and said, ‘Hi, Mom.’ I could read his lips through the oxygen mask.” He covered his eyes with his hand and breathed several short shallow gasps, sucking in the air sharply as if he were in pain. He sagged against the wall. Bob J. and I quickly put our arms around him for support, afraid he was about to collapse. But he was stronger than we thought.
It is difficult to remember distinctly the events of that bleak day. We walked the halls a great deal, sat in the dreadfully uncomfortable chairs in the waiting room until our backs screamed for mercy, stood around helplessly murmuring the same words of hope and assurance we had earlier, and talked about the World Series, pro football, the coming national elections. Or any topic that didn’t stick in our throats. Those first hours of vigil passed like days. Every turn when you reached the end of whatever hall you were walking down brought a view of yet another clock. The damned things were everywhere. You couldn’t avoid seeing them. And being reminded that barely five minutes had elapsed since the last time you checked.
Periodically, a doctor, nurse, or priest entered our solemn little universe of whispered pain and visited with the Kennedys. We would then slip quietly away to give them what little privacy that could be afforded in the constrained circumstances. On one of those occasions, a young priest came to talk to the Kennedys. Before he had time to say more than a few words, Penny stood up and left the room, a look of pained irritation on her face. Only then did I remember Greg told me his mother was very critical of the Catholic Church and was resolutely anti-clerical while his father remained faithful to his religious roots. Inwardly, I mused on their reversal of the roles San and I played with respect to religion.
By mid-afternoon the men, dredging deep into the bottom of the conversational barrel, got down to discussing the paper business. Tom Kennedy fascinated us with a wealth of anecdotal gems about the follies of selling train cars, truck loads, and cargo containers of domestic and imported paper to the largest printers in Chicago, Detroit, and the East Coast. He had a great sense of humor and in few words was able to skewer the miserly and avaricious habits of paper buyers most of us knew, at least by reputation, and frequently disliked. The laughter was a much needed release for us all but particularly for the big, red-faced Irishman who, with his expensive tweed jacket, thinning gray hair, and hearty manner, looked the perfect advertisement for Air Lingus. Every time he gestured or smiled I saw the son mirrored in him. Those were poignant moments for me.
The small waiting room was so crowded and warm it was difficult for me to concentrate on his words so I took in the man. He impressed me as a very direct, open fellow, honest in expressing deep emotions even though surrounded by strangers who, in his mind, may by some terrible negligence be responsible for Greg’s accident. That monstrous thought was banished immediately though nonetheless it would return to haunt my days and nights.
In spite of my involvement in the painful situation, in that Greg worked directly for me and I was responsible for his actions at work, I was caught up in and intrigued by the depth of Tom’s involvement in the complex world of paper and printing. Tom and his firm represented an enormous market, millions and millions of pounds of paper purchased annually by some of the largest printers in the world. Paper that was printed for most of the national periodicals, like Time, Newsweek, Sports Illustrated, etc., and for such huge end users as General Motors, K-Mart, Ford, General Electric, etc. It was obvious that he knew and loved his business with a passion I could never understand or even begin to appreciate. Yet, I was utterly fascinated by his in-depth knowledge of every major paper market and seemingly every sizeable piece of business ranging from the Mid-West to the East Coast. Just listening to him was an education.
With the passing hours our little coterie split first into one group and then another. Sometime in the mid-afternoon, Penny and I were together in the waiting room. Everyone else was pacing the halls, standing around the drinking fountain or having yet another coffee downstairs in the cafeteria. I was sitting across the room with San and took that opportunity to look at her closely. Despite the lines of tension and anxiety on her face, she was an attractive woman. I guessed her age at about forty-five or six. She was slimmer than many twenty-year-olds and much more elegant. Which is one thing having a lot of money can do for you. Her eyes were red and swollen from crying. A ragged, formerly dainty handkerchief was clutched so tightly her knuckles were bloodless white. She stared vacantly ahead with unfocused eyes completely unaware of her surroundings. It was almost as if she were in shock as well.
As we sat there all San and I could think about was that terrible time in Ann Arbor with our daughter, Karin. About after her surgery when she developed hypertension and the doctors gave us almost no hope of her survival. I remembered how terrified I had been. How I had prayed to a God I didn’t think was there for a miracle I didn’t think would happen. But Karin surprised everyone, including her medical team. She had defied what had seemed insurmountable odds. So, maybe against all the doctors’ grim prognostications Greg would pull through. He was young, healthy, very strong, and above all a fighter. In addition, we were pulling for him, however much that counted.
I walked over to Penny and sat next to her, putting my arm around her shoulders. She felt so thin and frail that I was afraid my hug would crush her like an eggshell. But, like an eggshell, she would prove to have considerable strength.
“He’ll make it, Penny,” I said with a confidence I didn’t feel. “He’s got everything working for him.”
“God, I don’t know. I’m so frightened. We don’t know any doctors here we could bring in for a second opinion. What if he’s not getting the right treatment? We wouldn’t even know.” She sobbed into the rumpled cloth. “We just don’t know what to do. It’s such an awful feeling of helplessness.”
My heart was torn for her. It was bad enough that her son lay critically injured just a few feet away but compounding the whole tragedy was the total absence of comforting relatives and friends, or even a familiar environment where they knew the reputation of the hospital and medical staff.
“One of my good friends is an OB-GYN. He has privileges at the Hospital even though most of his practice is in West County. When I get home I can call him and find out about the surgeon and the Intensive Care Unit. Would you like me to do that?” It wasn’t much but it was all I could offer except the small solace of my physical presence.
“Yes. We need to know everything about the doctor and the Hospital. If there’s anything we can do to help Greg we’ll do it. Even if that means flying in another specialist.”
Before I could say another word we heard a commotion in the hall. Penny leaned forward to see what was happening. Suddenly she cried out loud, jumped up from the chair and ran into the arms of a woman who had just arrived. It was obvious that the women were close friends or relatives. In a few minutes, after everyone had stopped crying and hugging each other, Tom and Penny introduced us to their closest friends, Duke and Barbara B. They had just flown in from Detroit to be with the Kennedys.
Several minutes later I caught Jorgee’s eye. We agreed it was time to leave so the Kennedys and their friends could talk freely, without our unintentionally prying eyes on them. As the four of us exited through the lobby, J. suggested we go downtown to check the elevator and see if we could find any evidence of what had happened last night. Mary Lou and San decided to go home in our car and Jorgee and I left in his. Neither of the women wanted to have anything to do with the elevator and I couldn’t blame them. To tell the truth, I didn’t either.

New Careers in St. Louis

When I joined B. Associates in 1977, the company was a 150-person, multidisciplinary consulting firm, top-heavy with engineers, especially civils. I joined the Urban Planning Department as a senior planner and assistant department manager. I was immediately thrown into the deep end of the pool and knew it was swim or drown. So swim I did, pretending I knew a lot more about planning than was the case. My experience working for the St. Louis County Planning Department after I graduated with the BS put my feet on the right track but it was the four years as a Planning and Zoning Commissioner in Pittsfield that was my ace in the hole. Sure, the seven years I spent teaching grad and undergrad courses in planning had given me a solid theoretical background. But it was the nitty-gritty, everyday details I learned in Pittsfield that gave me the knowledge I needed to be an effective practicing planner.
My boss, John, was a decent planner and a nice guy. But the majority owner of the company and president, James M., was an Olympic-class prick and one of the most despicable human beings I have ever had the misfortune to know. All the department managers and assistants had to attend a weekly staff meeting that was largely marketing oriented. James M. lorded over those meetings like Attila the Hun, eager to gut someone and rip his entrails out of the gaping wound for all to admire. I came to dread those meetings, not because I was ever one of the victims but because I hated what that fucking asshole did to his employees. To say that he humiliated and degraded them is to under-exaggerate by a factor of ten. He reviled in finding victims and hounding and brow-beating them into groveling submission. James M. strictly managed by fear, not intelligent leadership. For me, working at B. Associates was an utterly degrading experience. I hated even being in the same room with James M. and couldn’t wait to leave.
However, in the two years I was at B. Associates I acquired considerable and varied planning experience, ranging across the spectrum from working with small cities like Sikeston, Missouri, to many assignments with the City of St. Louis, to being project manager for an EIS for Washington Metropolitan Area Transportation Authority. In that sense it was a good job. But because James M. was trying his best to entice me to stick the knife in the back of my direct boss so he could fire him and move me into the vacated position, I decided to look elsewhere.
That experience at B. Associates helped me get a job in 1979 with ____ CRC as Vice-President and head of the St. Louis planning office, which grew to about five or six people. I worked for a guy in Kansas City named Jerry O., an architect who thought he was a terrific planner but who was a terrible boss and jerk of the first rank. Few, if any, of the people who worked for him in Kansas City or St. Louis liked or respected him. He regularly undercut his staff and made all our lives miserable by trying to micro-manage our jobs. But when Ronald Reagan was elected U.S. President in 1980 it didn’t take long for him to cut all the federal programs that keep us planners alive, like the Urban Development Action Grants. In 1981, work slowed down so much I had to let three of the planners working for me in St. Louis go and I could read the handwriting on the wall. By the end of the year I too was history and joined the swelling ranks of the unemployed.
After being out of work for three months my next door neighbor hired me to work at Beacon Paper Company, where I soon migrated into what was called specification sales and sales promotions, calling on large ad agencies, graphic design firms, and large paper users, like Monsanto and Anheuser-Busch. That’s what I did until 1986, though every year I worked on urban planning jobs as an independent consultant. And for five years, from 1980 through 1985, I also taught urban planning courses part-time as an adjunct professor in Washington University’s Department of Civil Engineering. So, that kept me immersed in planning as well.
In 1986 I was hired as director of business development for LEMCO Consulting Engineers, an electrical engineering firm that specialized in transmission and distribution projects. The following posts present several vignettes from those less than fulfilling times.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

South Florida's Gloomy Present, Gloomier Future Part 3 — EATING THE EVERGLADES

          If we fail to care or learn from what is happening in Homestead, Miami-Dade, Immokalee, or Palm Beach County then we freely consent to the conversion of fragile wetlands and sensitive environments throughout the State to agricultural uses and then to urban development. As a critical aside, the growth dynamic we’re talking about does not affect only south Florida. For example, in early 2006, planning officials in St. Lucie County in central coastal Florida revealed that recently proposed development in and adjacent to the City of Port St. Lucie would add nearly 43,000 houses and almost 19 million square feet of business space.
          What those places tell us is that the greed-intoxicated powerbrokers and their fat political buds have ruled the roost for many decades and have so controlled Florida’s history that buckets of money have wound up in their pockets. What is occurring on the ground today is what is in store for Florida in the future unless people take the bit between their teeth and initiate actions that ensure change. Thinking vague, romantic thoughts about how important the environment is to America’s future simply won’t cut it. Neither will visiting the Everglades once every five or ten years and then telling everyone how much you enjoyed it. Directed, targeted action is the only solution.
          Let me ask my Readers a question. Do you think that the opinions expressed in this blog about out-of-control Florida growth are only held by me? Not bloody likely. St. Petersburg Times columnist Bill Maxwell wrote in 2003: “The Sunshine State, one of the nation’s great treasures, is fast becoming the Asphalt State. What we are doing to our paradise is criminal and, well, stupid.” In a similar vein, Joe Newman of the Orlando Sentinel reported in 2003: “When it comes down to it, no matter how much lip service state and local planners offer against sprawl, they rarely do anything to stop it.” Or as Carl Hiaasen wrote in the Miami Herald on 2-27-05: “It will take a few years before all those projects [converting vast tracts of farmland in southwest Miami-Dade to residential use] are finished and sold out, but the greedheads want more. So they’ve targeted the last green ribbon of privately owned mainland.” Only the money and influence of the powerbrokers explains why Florida’s shameless politicians have not stopped the growth blitzkrieg.
          Just in case you might think that I’ve ignored the disastrous financial collapse in 2008 and 2009, here’s information on continued growth in the 2011 Miami Market: “The Beacon Lakes Business Park, a joint venture of Flagler [Development Company] and AMB Property Corporation (now known as Prologis), reached 100 percent occupancy on all of its leasable space at the end of 2010 and is part of an Airport West submarket that is driving Miami's already-strong industrial market.”[1] Do you Readers remember Beacon Lakes from Part 2? The one developed by Armando Codina, none other than Jeb Bush’s former business partner? Well, it’s doing very nicely as a commercial property developer, thank you, despite the financial downturn.
          The addition of more and more people to south Florida translates directly into greater negative effects on increasingly scarce land-water resources. That’s non-debatable by all except the most closed-minded, non-rational anti-environmentalists and the powerbrokers who are determined not to let the truth be known. The maintenance of the present trend of ever increasing population pressure on south Florida ensures the continued alteration of landscapes that run the gamut from resilient to incredibly fragile, from commonplace to World Heritage uniqueness. As Joni Mitchell wrote and sang so well in the hit 1970 song, Big Yellow Taxi:
“They paved paradise and put up a parking lot.”
          The big question concerning land-water use that has been posed for many decades is straightforward. In the near future, how will Floridians protect their fragile environments at the same time as the State is actively working 24-7 to attract enormous growth? As far as any honest person is concerned, those goals can never be accomplished simultaneously. If doable solutions are to be found they remain hidden in the fog of uncertainty and in the quicksand of the political decision-making process. But hey, here’s a solid clue. We’re talking about Florida. A State that historically has given no indication of willingly changing its spots in terms of how it treats the environment, which is as a banquet for getting fatter and fatter. Burrrrp.
          I’ve posed a few rhetorical questions below and have been thoughtful enough to answer for my patient Readers.
Question: Can the five or six million people who now live on or near south Florida’s Atlantic Coastal Ridge do so in balance with the environment?
Response: Absolutely not. Controls are needed in the form of critical compromises between human occupance and the environment. Or the result will be unsustainable socioeconomic and environmental conditions. And that is precisely the nature of the shotgun barrels south Florida is staring into at present. And, unless you a right-wing idiot incapable of ratiocination, you must know which side has compromised the most and which the least.
Question: Will near- and mid-term future population growth in Florida cause even more severe environmental stress?
Response: Absolutely. Just look at what is happening today in the western Miami metropolitan area, southwest Florida, Orlando and the adjacent Green Swamp counties, Palm Beach County, and in the coastal areas of the Panhandle and multiply that by more than several hundred percent. Then imagine a couple million more people lining the east coast from Homestead to Palm Beach forty years from now. That vision requires the Everglades to get smaller even as a marginally functioning, Disneyesque ecosystem.
Question: Does Florida have the legal-organizational mechanisms in place to manage existing population growth and resource usage?
Response: Not at this time and don’t bother wondering what the future holds because it’s right in front of us after the Florida’s State Republican representatives eviscerated the 1985 Growth Management Law.
Question: Are Florida politicians likely to address these critical problems by passing effective statewide land use/growth management restrictions?
Response: No chance in Hell unless the current political campaign contribution trends change. Fat chance of that happening in my lifetime. However, there’s one serious caveat to that response: If all the models and projections demonstrate that growth management must become a necessity to achieve a minimal level of sustainability then my guess is that even the politicians and developers will eventually jump on the bandwagon so they can sharply limit the ability of whatever regulations are proposed to control growth in a meaningful way. Because that’s the only way to keep growing fatter and fatter. But always at the expense of wetlands. Burrrrp.

          If the past is prologue to the future, natural or partially natural environments in Florida are in deep, deep trouble with problems looming on the horizon that are much more serious than anything we have today. With no way to address them effectively. Remember the coming tidal wave. Once that hits reality will have changed permanently. But one critical lesson we must avoid is poor Hamilton Disston contemplating the end of his Florida misadventures staring into the muzzle of his pistol in his rapidly cooling bath water. Shades of Richard Cory.
          The consequences of human use of the land detailed above are not figments of the imaginations of deranged environmentalists. They have been carefully documented by such well respected agencies and organizations as the South Florida Ecosystem Restoration Science Coordination Team, U.S. Geological Survey, the National Academy of Sciences, and by many dozens of independent university institutes and by individual researchers. The critical issue is not what happened to the south Florida environment in the past but what we will allow to happen to the land in the future. Land, remember? It’s the land that counts. And how we use it.
          The truth is, all is not necessarily lost. Hope for the future of Florida’s few remaining natural places may be a viable strategy if people are willing to act now to save what’s left. But what’s the reality of that happening? My answer: Slim to none and Slim rode out of town a couple months ago.
          So, my honest advice is to saddle up the car and the kids for a road trip to the Everglades or the Fakahatchee in the winter (the mosquitoes will drive you mad in the summer) to view what’s left. Because it’s not going to get a hell of a lot better than the severely human-altered and damaged landscape you see today.

[1] Alexander Britell, February 01, 2011 08:00 A.M.; Beacon Lakes drives Miami industrial market; see

Friday, December 23, 2011

South Florida's Gloomy Present, Gloomier Future Part 2 — EATING THE EVERGLADES

          Since past and present are prologue to the future, let’s pause for a moment and take a look at what started in the early 2000s in Palm Beach County and continues as you read this page. Urban growth and associated development are rapidly marching westward from the metropolitan edge of the County toward the 20-Mile Bend area on U.S. Route 98. One reason is that existing home prices in the County soared an incredible 171 percent from 2000 to early 2006 and owners of supposedly under-used and easily developable property (meaning farmers and citrus growers) became desperate to milk that cash cow. A specific and very disturbing sign of what is on the horizon was the proposed development of the Scripps Research Institute in the City of Palm Beach Gardens. What was planned to be a major biotech research center would focus on cutting edge bio-medical research, technology development, and drug design. Trouble is, the Institute was to be located in a remote site known as Mecca Farms, which before 2005 was pasture land, citrus groves, and wetlands carved out of what before that been the pristine Loxahatchee Slough on the western fringe of the Palm Beach County metropolitan area.
          Author’s Note: You Gentle Readers can’t allow yourself to be seduced into making the enormous mistake of thinking that simply because various agricultural uses (including grazing, citrus farms, and vegetable and other field crops) are found on the land today that those areas are no longer wetlands and their conversion to urban uses is either inevitable or an appropriate progression. The powerbrokers and their trained politicians want you to believe that they’re no longer wetlands simply because of the various drainage “improvements” that are in place. Shut down those water management improvements and the lands will be inundated within a few months and will revert to functioning wetlands. That’s a lesson all Florida powerbrokers and gutless politicians are determined that citizens never learn.
          Not surprisingly, to lure Scripps to Florida the State initially ponied up $310 million in financial support and the County tossed in another $200 million. Those State and County government funds were intended to provide the land, infrastructure, buildings, equipment, and other physical assets for a state-of-the-art research laboratory and administrative complex. Scripps would supply the intellectual capital and of course the world-class prestige attached to one of the largest, private, non-profit research organizations in the country. Over a 20-year period, royalties on technology developed at the new Scripps Research lab may generate well over a hundred million dollars that will be used to repay part of the State’s contributions.
          Naturally, the collective goal of the State and the County was straightforward. They wanted to attract a world-class life-science related research concentration of firms that would chew up thousands of additional acres of what had been wetlands, bringing in thousands of well-paid, high-tech workers, and hundreds of support businesses. More money, jobs, urban development, transportation arteries, and more political campaign contributions, of course. It’s starting to sound like Florida.
          Governor Bush was ecstatic over Scripps moving to Palm Beach because his staff projected that, overall, the Research Institute’s economic effect would boost the State’s gross domestic product by more than $3 billion over the next 15 years. No joke. And create 6,500 local jobs directly from spin-offs generated by Scripps Florida. How could any reasonable person turn that down? Hey, we’re only talking about sacrificing a couple thousand acres of lousy wetlands. Nothing to get upset about. Take a good look at the choices. Keep the wetlands or bring in thousands of jobs? High paying, high-tech jobs. Or be happy with what we got, which is a bunch of worthless wading birds and mosquitoes that are as thick as the thieves in Tallahassee? Man, get real and start them ‘dozers.
          The State also projected an additional 44,000 jobs would be created by related biotech firms that would be hot to locate near the Institute. Synergy, man, think of all that dynamite synergy. Talk about wading through pools of drool in the Governor’s mansion. Job creation translated into more campaign contributions, which translated into re-election and maybe, if the planets were aligned just right, even into election at the national level. Whoa, it made perfect political sense. But only if you closed your eyes and pretended those facilities were not being dropped into a sensitive wetland environment that is still a functioning part of the Loxahatchee Slough and the nearby Loxahatchee River. Too bad it’s Florida’s only remaining wild and scenic waterway. But not for long if Scripps and the Gov had their way.
          The 1,900 acre Mecca Farms site in question is now mostly an orange grove but in its recent previous life was a wetland. The property immediately to the east is Vavrus Ranch, now a 4,700 acre cattle ranch that also was part of the same wetland eco-system and still contains numerous lakes and high quality wetland habitats. It shouldn’t come as a shock that the property immediately east of Vavrus Ranch is the Loxahatchee Slough, an existing wetland that is an essential part of the Loxahatchee River drainage system. And the land immediately west of and abutting Mecca Farms is the J. W. Corbett Wildlife Management Area, an existing wetland under the jurisdiction of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. And that’s the area into which the State and the County wanted to drop Scripps and all that related development. Makes perfect urban and environmental planning sense, not to mention being logical in terms of transportation planning, especially when you think about all the new roads (and drainage improvements) that would have to be constructed through wetlands to provide the necessary access.
          To no one's surprise, maybe with the exception of executives at Scripps who were probably not informed by Florida or County officials of the trenchant environmental opposition to their venture, dozens of anti-sprawl and environmental activists rose up and screamed bloody murder at the State’s plan to plunk a major research-business park complex smack in the middle of a wetland in the middle of nowhere. A proposal that would require huge expenditures in new roads and highways, drainage systems, sanitary sewers, and other utilities, much of which would be constructed through and in presently undeveloped environmentally sensitive areas. It was sprawl, baby, sprawl at its ugliest.
          Even developer-friendly Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council complained that the County’s Scripps-Mecca Farms plan didn’t go nearly far enough in protecting wetlands and addressing water quality issues. As an aside, a major road leading to the Scripps Research Institute campus would had to have cut across part of the Loxahatchee Slough Natural Area, through property purchased by means of a $100 million voter initiative to conserve sensitive wetlands in northwest Palm Beach County. Right, and chew up more parks and conservation areas to develop a mega-business park. Another wonderful solution to Florida’s many land development problems. But why is it that most of those “solutions” come at the direct expense of the environment? Here’s another simple answer that hits the bulls eye. Wetlands don’t vote or shell out hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign contributions. Period.
          In mid-2004 the putative developer of next door Vavrus Ranch, Tech Village Partners, a joint venture of national homebuilding giants Lennar Corporation and Centex Homes, had the well-known and respected design firm Looney Ricks Kiss (LRK) draw up plans for the ranch’s northern 2,000 acres. They initially wanted to build two million square feet of laboratory space, several schools, and 7,500 homes arranged around a town center with a hotel, multi-screen movie theater, and retail stores up the wahzoo. In mid-September of 2004, Tech Village added 2,700 more acres to the area planned for development, which constituted the remainder of the Ranch. By the fall of 2004, Tech Village was bedeviling Palm Beach County and other interested groups to get them to work together to plan urban uses for the 6,700-acre swath of ranchlands and orange groves that constituted the combined area of Mecca Farms and Vavrus Ranch, slightly more than ten square miles that had previously been highly functioning wetlands. But remember, once wetlands are converted into orange groves, agricultural fields, or grazing land, they cease being wetlands, at least in the eyes of developers and their pet politicians.
          In late 2004, LRK told various news media that they would design a project that mixes high-tech living with wildlife and pockets of “natural” landscape. As if that dollop of icing made a putrescent cake palatable. As Jeffery Pifer, the firm’s project manager told the Palm Beach Post,[1] “It’s got to be genuine. It’s got to be like it was meant to be here. Like it grew from the ground up.” Right. Buildings that grow in a natural wetland just like the baldcypress. That bullshit scenario perfectly illustrates the dangerous mindset of all too many members of the design and planning community, whose primary function seems to be whoring for the powerbrokers. In that same story, Beach Gardens Councilwoman Annie Delgado was quoted as saying: “It [LRK’s design] will improve the make-up of the environmentally sensitive areas. I see it as a win-win situation for everyone.” Of course, everyone knows that environmentally sensitive areas desperately need human intervention to “improve” their make-up. That makes you wonder whether Delgado is a Corps’ water manager at heart or has crawled into bed with the powerbrokers. Figuratively, that is.
          Also late in 2004, the State and Palm Beach County raised the ante to the Big League level by committing a combined total of $1 billion to Scripps Research Institute and related development in the immediate area. That’s $1 billion, not $1 million. It was full speed ahead and damn the torpedoes, which in that context meant they were going to ignore all the bad press and trenchant criticism from everyone with a functioning brain and integrity.
          In April 2005, lawyers for the Florida Wildlife Federation and the Sierra Club filed suit against Palm Beach County’s biotech venture in federal court, accusing the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers of violating federal law by issuing a partial permit for the planned headquarters of the Scripps Research Institute’s Florida operations. The partial permit, which the County calls a Phase 1A permit, would have allowed ground work on just 535 acres of what was to become the 1,920-acre scientific village at Mecca Farms that included office complexes, residences, and recreational uses. Attorneys for the environmental groups argued that under federal law such partial permits are illegal. That suit was the fifth or sixth filed in State or Federal Court against the proposed bio-tech development. The other shoe dropped in late November 2005 when the federal judge hearing the Sierra Club’s case revoked the Corps’ wetlands permits and ordered construction to stop, an action that finally forced Scripps to look elsewhere in the County.
          In mid-August 2005, the Palm Beach County Commission backtracked and voted to ask the Scripps Board of Directors to consider building the Institute’s headquarters on another site in the County. After taking a beating in the press and being trashed by harsh criticism from concerned urban planners, biologists, environmental groups, and even traffic engineers, the Commission belatedly reached the conclusion that the Mecca Farms site may not have been the best place for intensive urban development. However, that move was almost certainly pure political smoke screen since the Commission also let it be known that if the Scripps Board insisted on going through with the Mecca Farms property they (the Commission) would move forward with that site.
          In February 2006, the Palm Beach County Commission officially abandoned the Mecca Farm site as the new home for Scripps’s Florida headquarters and research labs and selected the Florida Atlantic University’s north campus/Briger tract in Jupiter's Abacoa development, a site that is located in the eastern urbanized area of the County. With that decision the only problem became what the County would do with the land it owns at Mecca Farms. In 2006, the smart money was betting the land would be sold to a developer for one-acre single-family home sites. That way the County would come out smelling like a rose financially and like a skunk environmentally.
          But, as of mid-2011, things have worked out differently. The County still owns Mecca Farms and the costs to taxpayers are mounting. So far, the County has laid out about $150 million for the failed "biotech village." Those costs include:

$5.6 million annual debt service

$287,000 for annual mowing, canal cleaning, and road maintenance

$116,000 annually for the County Sheriff's Office to provide security

$60 million the County paid for the land during South Florida's housing boom, which was $10 million more than the then appraised value

$40 million Palm Beach County spent for planning, permitting, and initial construction

$51 million for a water pipeline the County installed to serve Mecca Farms and surrounding land for planned development that has yet to materialize
               The move to grab land that was formerly part of the Everglades is now in full swing in Miami-Dade. Greed-obsessed developers are buying up thousands of acres of farmlands outside the County’s official Urban Development Boundary (UDB), which had been established as part of a 1975 Dade County comprehensive growth plan to prevent sprawl and to buffer the Everglades National Park from urban residential densities and all the concomitant problems of pollution and habitat destruction. The developers’ goal is simple: acquire relatively cheap farmland and convert it into industrial/business parks and small residential lots and ugly tract houses that extend as far into the Everglades as possible.
              Of course, precedence for such a move abounds; remember, we talking about Florida where trees and wetlands do not vote or shove money into the deep pockets of bend-over politicians. In late May 2002, in an 11-2 vote the Miami-Dade County Commission approved a massive, 436-acre industrial park project called Beacon Lakes on a degraded wetland west of Doral near the Florida Turnpike. That Commission action effectively pushed the western limit for urban development toward the Everglades for the first time in nearly a decade. The developer who had the clout and the muscle to get a successful vote was political heavyweight Armando Codina, who was none other than Jeb Bush’s former business partner. We’re talking major league access.
              In 2002, environmentalists claimed that making an exception for Codina would open Pandora’s Box and cause a flurry of assaults on the UDB. That prediction finally struck pay dirt in 2005 as developers started snatching up rural properties outside the boundary and directing their lobbyists to slither up to key politicians and whisper sweet promises in their always receptive ears [More on Beacon Lakes in the next post].
              But hey, what’s a lousy 6.6 million square feet of warehouse space and 225,000 square feet of office and retail space in the Beacon Lakes office park? Not much, at least not until you realize what’s really at stake. Which is exactly what many developers and home builders have realized and what prompted them to snap up options on thousands of acres outside the UDB or purchase similarly located land outright. They can read the handwriting on the wall even if the average Joe Six-Pack can’t. Or won’t.
              Readers should realize that all that is happening despite Miami-Dade’s own planners maintaining that enough developable land is in the County to last until about 2020 at current and projected rates of growth. What’s more, a 2003 report by the County Department of Planning and Zoning maintained that the UDB line shouldn’t be moved. But surely our society and the greater Miami-Dade area are in desperate need of more tasteless development and less Everglades. Pass the wetlands, please. Burrrrp. The developers need to get fatter and they know the best and easiest way to do it is by eating the Everglades.
              The only thing for certain is that a battle royal looms on the horizon between the environmental organizations and the powerbrokers. But does anyone out there really believe that the grease hasn’t already been applied? And that deals haven’t already been reached in back-rooms across Dade County? Hey, we’re talking Miami and Miamians know the power of grease overcomes all obstacles.
              Maybe this is the time to recall those prescient words of mega-developer Al Hoffman, Chairman of the home builder MCI Communities, Inc., when he said that growth in southwest Florida was . . . “an inevitable tidal wave! There’s no power on earth that can stop it!”[2] Hey! Let’s all get fat by eating Florida! There’s plenty of room at the trough if you move quickly enough, even in these challenging times.
              Even if far less consumptive land development scenarios were selected and implemented due to the financial debacle of 2007-2009, the resulting growth would still eat up thousands of acres in south Florida alone. That means it will take the Loxahatchee Slough and the Everglades-Big Cypress Basin a couple decades longer to dry up and die. Longer is thought to be better by all the fat politicians and fatter businessmen responsible for blowing smoke up our collective skirts since by that time they and their fat children will have made their money and will have been dead or retired for many years. And thus beyond our collective reach.
              Unrestrained population growth equals unrestrained land consumption. That’s the nature of the tidal wave headed directly toward south Florida. When that population wave hits all the politicians in the State will be carried with it. In terms of public outcry it will be an irresistible political force. Can’t you hear the people screaming:

    We want more land for homes and
    goddammit to hell we’re gonna get it!

              If you, Gentle Readers, are confused by the slogan above, another way to understand what I getting to is to realize that when push comes to shove, people who are demanding land for new homes are effectively saying:

    We want houses and we don't care how we get them.
    Fuck the environment, including the Everglades.

              And when that happens, won’t the developers swoon with delight at the prospect of getting even fatter? As the natural environments of the Everglades-Big Cypress Basin, the Green Swamp, and other sensitive wetlands shrink towards non-existence. But that’s how Florida has always worked.

    [1] Jennifer Sorentrue, “Vavrus Land Designers Vow Sensitivity to Environment, But Activists Dispute It,” Palm Beach Post, December 20, 2004.
    [2] Quoted in Michael Grunwald, “Growing Pains in Southwest Fla. – More Development Pushes Everglades to the Edge,” Washington Post, June 25, 2002.

    Thursday, December 22, 2011

    South Florida's Gloomy Present, Gloomier Future Part 1 — EATING THE EVERGLADES

              Through the normal course of everyday life each species alters the Earth in ways subtle and profound. Typically, it takes well-trained scientists to document and understand the implications of those modifications. But we don’t need a microscope or a well-designed lab experiment to tell us how the human species has changed the face of the planet in our lifetime. From pole to pole, on land and throughout the oceans, the Earth has been irrevocably altered as we have multiplied and prospered through exploitation of material resources. Until not one square mile on the Earth's surface is unaffected by human occupance.
              I'm not interested in preaching, just in recording reality. The Florida of the Calusa is gone forever. No doubt. As are the Floridas of Hamilton Disston, Henry Flagler, Barron Gift Collier Senior, and Ed Ball. The people of the past changed the land then in ways simple and complex, as we continue to do today. Every central and south Florida resident, every tourist, every visitor increases the environmental burden whether they have permanent residences or are only passing through. They all use precious water and mineral resources. And, more importantly, precious land. They all leave behind solid and liquid wastes, hazardous and toxic materials, polluted water and air, damaged environments, and drastically reduced bio-diversity. It's what we humans do. Typically without thought of consequences inevitable. And all too frequently without an iota of concern.
              One of the people who reviewed this post in an early form is a consulting biologist specializing in tropical and sub-tropical botany. Over a number of years we have worked together on several international assignments. She asked me why I seemed so personally upset over what is happening in Florida. Before I could give her an honest answer I had to think about the question and then engage in more than a little introspection. After that I told her it's because I see the tidal wave.
              Although I've worked nearly 40 years as both an urban/regional and environmental planner, the majority of my assignments have been on urban projects. As an urban planner you start by assessing existing conditions. You determine the various strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats; identify a range of appropriate alternatives; and then look ahead, trying as best as you can to see which of those alternatives will provide the most efficacious future. After suitable iterations of the previous steps you select the preferred alternative. Based on those steps, you then prepare what you think is a realistic plan. Sure, there’s a lot of professional judgment involved. No one can predict the future with certainty, no matter what branch of science or magic you practice. Big surprise.
              But unless conditions change drastically for south Florida, the future everyone should see, if they take the time to look, is an enormous wave of human migration. That assessment is not my biased opinion. Numerous reports prepared by objective observers and professional consultants have reached similar conclusions, especially with regard to population growth in southeast Florida.[1]
              Today five plus million people live on Florida’s southeast coast (Palm Beach, Broward, and Miami-Dade Counties). But the problem is by 2035 the population is projected to rise to somewhere around seven and a half million.[2] That's an increase of nearly 1.4 million more people who will be living on the southeast coast. In 23 years. Even more are expected by 2050, despite the financial problems of 2008-2009.
              What does that population increase mean in terms of land? Because land is what it boils down to. Not fragile ecosystems, not periphyton mats, not wood storks, not phosphorus measured in parts per billion, but land. Or simply dirt to the powerbrokers. When you consider population growth in a place like southeast Florida, where developable land is spatially constrained, you must never lose sight of the land dimension because it is the single most critical element in the growth equation.
              If 9,000 square feet is used as an estimate for the average household lot in south Florida, that population increase will chew up in the neighborhood of 95,200 acres in residential units alone, or about 150 square miles, not to mention land needed for the accompanying infrastructure, retail, service, industrial, institutional, healthcare, office, distribution/warehouse, parks/open space, public buildings, and myriad other uses.[3] Keep in mind that that acreage calculation is a conservative estimate that could easily be twice as high. Add in land required for the other land uses mentioned above and we’re pushing more than one hundred thousand acres that would be needed by 2035 to accommodate the predicted growth. And remember, that’s based on a conservative population density per acre estimate.
              Another unsettling thought is that the above population growth and development of southeast Florida could not take place without the type of restoration proposed in the CERP. Since even the Corps of Engineers admits that existing southeast Florida conditions are non-sustainable, without the CERP in place the region would rapidly slide into a state approaching chaos, causing the entire economy to teeter and perhaps to collapse. Therefore, the CERP, or something like it, is an absolutely necessary measure guaranteeing that orderly land development and profit taking continue. Which is the only reason the powerbrokers pushed State and federal politicians so hard to adopt the CERP. It is that projected interaction of the environment with the economy that underlies the vision of the coming tidal wave. In other words, if present population trends continue, the Everglades will be destroyed by the coming tidal wave with or without the CERP or even with a substitute restoration plan that is more environmentally sustainable. So, unless things change in terms of population growth or density controls the Everglades and the Big Cypress are toast no matter what based on anticipated population growth and land demand. A truly sobering idea.
              Okay, but what if the present growth trends don't continue? What about Florida's vaunted Growth Management controls? The ones Jeb Bush was so proud of? Surely they addressed this very problem. Well, here’s a little background. As required by Florida's 1985 Comprehensive Plan and Omnibus Growth Management Act, comprehensive plans adopted by local political jurisdictions are supposed to be reliable blueprints that constitute regulatory guidance as to where and how communities will grow. The sad truth is city and county commissions so routinely amend those supposedly "comprehensive" plans that the State's Comprehensive Plan and Omnibus Growth Management Act has become a joke.
              In a critical way, passage of the Growth Management Act in itself was tacit acknowledgement of the past absolute inability and unwillingness of local Florida governments to control unsustainable growth. In other words, local officials routinely pandered to developers and turned their backs on the well-being of their constituents. Another unexpected shock. As a check and balance to poorly regulated local growth and development, the Act created a State oversight role and assigned it to the Department of Community Affairs (DCA). Supposedly, DCA review and input was meant to ensure that developers, not just taxpayers, would foot some of the infrastructure costs associated with growth, including wider roads, new utilities, municipal services (fire, police, EMS), new schools, and additional parks and recreation areas. But don't forget, we’re talking about a law that would require State government bureaucrats to control developers who are best buds with their bosses, Florida legislators. Fat chance of that happening, even on an accidental basis. Author's Note: Only innocents will be surprised to learn that the Growth Management Act was gutted in June 2011 by Republicans in Florida's Legislature to ensure less regulation of land developers and less State oversight of local planning.
              The kicker is comprehensive plans will not work as designed if they can be changed easily. But, maybe they can’t, Readers might ask. Okay, here's a real world example. In 2003 Palm Beach County recorded 1,364 amendments to its Comprehensive Plan, which is a rate of 114 amendments per month or fifty-seven every other week (usually planning commissions meet twice a month). And that’s exactly the problem we’re talking about. Comprehensive plans, which supposedly reflect the will of the people when they are passed, are being changed willy-nilly by votes of city councils or county commissions to accommodate development that may have been inadvisable under other, more rational circumstances, including being under the spotlight of citizen review.
              Let's be specific about what has happened in the real world of local Florida politics since passage of the Growth Management Act in 1985. As a result of a decade and a half of administration of the Act, Florida leads the nation with more than 470 local governments, each with an approved and generally worthless comprehensive plan. Author's Note: And why do I as a professional urban planner think that those plans are worthless? Because even developer-friendly Audubon of Florida acknowledges the problem when it states that "approximately 90 million housing units are already vested in current comprehensive plans approved by some 460 city and county jurisdictions"[4] throughout the State.
              Okay, multiply those 90 million housing units that would be allowed under approved comprehensive plans times 2.46 people, which is the year 2000 State average household density, and you would get a Florida population of 221.4 million. Think about that number and then consider that in 2011 the entire U.S. population is about 300 million. We’re talking about an estimated 221.4 million people living on 58.6 thousand square miles (which would effectively raise the existing state-wide density of 285 persons per square mile to 3,780 persons per square mile). And that was the State’s Growth Management solution. That's not a vicious joke or a purposeful exaggeration, that’s political reality in the Sunshine State.
              In October 21, 1999, even Steve Seibert, the then Secretary of the Department of Community Affairs (DCA), characterized Florida's State Comprehensive Plan and the Omnibus Growth Management Act as “pabulum that means all things to all people.” According to Seibert, neither the product nor the process worked, and that’s from as slick a government “servant” as has drawn breath. And James Robinson, DCA Assistant Secretary, who had to deal with the Act’s shortcomings on a daily basis stated: “It isn’t the language of the law itself, it is simply that it has been ignored or it has been misinterpreted, or that it has just been applied in such a way that it hasn’t really achieved the legislative intent to begin with.” The result is that growth control in Florida is a myth, a lie, or a very sick joke. Pick any of the above choices and you’ll be right on the money.

    [1] Two examples: South Florida Ecosystem Restoration Task Force, An Integrated Plan For South Florida Ecosystem Restoration and Sustainability, Success in the Making; April, 1998. And Allan Wallis and FAU/FIU Joint Center for Environmental and Urban Problems, Imaging the Region Report – South Florida via Indicators and Public Opinion, p. 107; 2001.
    [2] Estimate prepared by the South Florida Regional Planning Council. Available online at: and at:
    [3] Allan D. Wallis et al., 2001. Imaging the Region Report — South Florida via Indicators and Public Opinion, FAU/FIU Joint Center for Environmental and Urban Problems, p. 107. Author’s Note: that acreage calculation in the text above is predicated on each household consisting of 3.00 persons living on an average lot of 9,000 sq. ft. and does not include streets or rights-of-way, which would add 10-15 percent more land to the end result. According to the Report cited in this footnote, in 1995 there were about 2.4 households per acre in south Florida, averaging 18,150 sq. ft. per household unit. So, the 9,000 sq. ft. estimate used above is intentionally very conservative.
    [4] Online source: