Thursday, June 29, 2017

The Beatitudes According to Right-Wing Jesus

A riff on the Gospel of Luke, 6:20-26

20: Blessed are you who are rich; the kingdoms of Earth and of God are yours. 21: Blessed are you who are satisfied now; your rewards will increase. Blessed are you who laugh for joy because you are doing well; you will never weep. 22: Blessed are you when men hate you and cast you off and revile you, when they reject your name as evil simply because you are successful. 23: When that day comes, rejoice and exult over it; for behold, abundant rewards are yours on Earth and in heaven; their fathers treated the prophets no better. 24: But woe upon you who are poor; you have your comfort now because you are lazy and irresponsible. 25: Woe upon you who are hungry because you refused to work; you shall never be filled full. Woe upon you who make fun of the righteous rich and powerful for wealth and prosperity are signs of God's blessing; you shall mourn and weep. 26: Woe upon the poor who speak ill of the rich and powerful; their fathers treated the prophets no better.