Sunday, June 12, 2016

Second Amendment and Gun Violence: How Should Americans React?

Fifty people killed, more than 50 wounded in Orlando. How to react? Of course, given our national love of weapons, gun-generated violence is to be expected. But, really, how should we personally react to this horrific news, considering gratuitous gun violence is what we as a nation have signed on for?

When you think about it rationally, 50 people murdered in Orlando, 26 murdered in the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, nine murdered in the Charleston church shooting, all that and much more is but a small price to pay for the right to bear arms. So, we should be okay with those deaths. A little sad, maybe, because we’re not shallow, but fundamentally okay. Shooting deaths are only an awkward side-effect of the right to bear arms, a right we prize far more than the lives of innocents, especially if they are strangers.

So, let the knee-jerk liberals publically weep, wail, and gnash their collective teeth because the news cycle will soon present us with something more gruesome to capture our fleeting attention and we’ll all move on. Actually, if we are thinking rationally, what other choice do we have since more than 300 million weapons are currently in the hands of the American public?

Many if not most of us have already forgotten the name of that whacko but legally sane guy in Tucson who blasted folks at Gabby Giffords’s campaign meet-and-greet, and the name of the equally whacko but also legally sane guy who shot 12 people to death at that movie theater in Aurora, Colorado. Not to mention the names of the Columbine High School shooters or the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooter. After all, that’s what we do best, put that shit behind us and get on with our lives because we totally LOVE the Second Amendment.

BTW, fuck the liberal-commie bastards who want to take our guns away.

For those who may need reminding: Jared Loughner, James Holmes, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, and Adam Lanza.

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