Sunday, October 7, 2018

Liberals Acting Badly

When I read about the way Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was accosted and heckled at a Mexican restaurant in Washington, DC last June, I hoped it was simply a one-off example of rude and idiotic behavior by liberals whose innate, personal stupidity overcame their rationality. As a result, I failed to condemn those actions and actors. Several days ago I was appalled when Senator Ted Cruz and his wife were accosted and verbally assaulted in another Washington, DC restaurant by liberal idiots intent on destroying their privacy and disturbing their peace.

As much as I dislike the politics of both Nielsen and Cruz, I abhor the way those so-called liberals or progressives attacked their targets in public places where Nielsen and Cruz and companions were trying to enjoy a quiet meal and drink. What gives left-leaning radicals the right to invade people's privacy and ruin a peaceful evening? Those actions are more characteristic of brown-shirted, jack-booted thugs than people who profess to believe in the rule of law and Constitutional rights. What monumental hubris blinds people and enables them to think they and they alone are the sole arbiters or authorities of what is right and just in our complex society?

If protesters dislike what their political opponents do when they are in office, they should work their asses off to see their opponents are defeated in the next election. Rude, unconscionable behavior like that exhibited in those DC restaurants should be condemned out of hand by all thinking people on both sides of the present ideological divide. Violence, even if it is verbal and not physical, has no place in civilized discourse.

As a life-long leftist, I raise my voice in condemning those violent and unlawful actions as they can only lead to more violence and not to rational conversation and actions. The last thing we need during these perilous times is thoughtless fools resorting to unlawful acts while hypocritically claiming the high moral ground. Shame on them and on those who support their actions.

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