Saturday, April 4, 2020

Critical National 2020 Elections

For the last year, nearly everything I've read about the coming national elections has been about how to defeat Trump and why that goal is so important. Perhaps that's a reflection of my leftist politics since it indicates I haven't paid much attention to articles extolling Trump's presidency (gag) and pumping up his re-election chances (super gag).

If you sit back and think about what has happened these past three plus years, it might be that the election of Democratic candidates for the Senate is at the very least as critical as kicking Trump back to New York City. I write that because of his many judicial, Supreme Court, Cabinet, and regulatory agency appointments. Unlike his Cabinet and agency appointments, judges and justices serve for life and Trump has appointed a ton of right-wingers to those positions. Some of those appointees will be with us for up to 40 and more years.

But even if Trump would be re-elected, God forbid, a Senate controlled by Democrats will limit his ability to appoint the worst of the conservative lot to the bench and to other prominent positions. And if you don't agree with that idea, simply consider Trump's recent announcement of his desire to appoint one of his White House attorneys as the Inspector General overseeing the two trillion-dollar covid-19 slush fund just passed by Congress. If that doesn’t give you pause, I’m not sure what would.

What I'd like you to consider is volunteering to work in the campaigns of Democratic candidates for the Senate. Yes, things right now prohibit such activities or constrain them drastically. But the current situation will not last forever. Plus, campaign contributions do not require you to leave the house or shake hands with potential voters, infected or not. I have no specific candidates in mind, only that they have the potential of defeating the sitting Republican Senator in whatever state you live.

Perhaps, during this period of extended time off from our "normal" lives, you might take time to consider how you could respond to this vital national issue. The last thing I want is for people to be so focused on defeating Trump that we lose the many battles for the Senate and have that rat bastard Mitch McConnell to deal with again.

Please think about what I'm proposing. I’m convinced electing Democratic candidates to the Senate is critical to our nation's future and that we all should be involved in trying to make a difference in this matter.

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